What Tommaso Chiabra Has Taught Us About Big Business And Giving Back.

Case in point, Tommaso Chiabra, a young and accomplished business erudite who launched his first company, Royal Yacht Brokers, shortly after concluding his studies and scaled it to become one of the premier global yacht brokerage services available in the market today.
For Mr. Chiabra however, business success is eclipsed by kindness and compassion for the less fortunate.
Tommaso decided to leverage his expertise, vast rolodex and ample communication skills on behalf of children in need, by working closely with UNICEF, which he believes fights to give the future generations of the world access to a brighter, more equitable future.

While not every businessman can achieve the level of selfless generosity Mr. Chiabra has exhibited, we can all follow his footsteps and ask ourselves: how can I help those who need it most?